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Who We Are

Rebuilding Together Frederick County (RTFC) serves Frederick County by identifying and rehabilitating homes of seniors, veterans, persons with disabilities, and families with children, all living in low-income households, through the efforts of volunteers and community organizations. Local community volunteers perform the hands-on repairs during National Rebuilding Day, a single project day at the end of April, to ensure the homes remain safe and livable.


A safe and healthy home for everyone.

Core Values

We are committed to helping low-income individuals and families with respect of their integrity, dignity and assets to strengthen lives, homes and communities.

  • We work in partnership with neighborhoods, involving residents in all aspects of our work. We value collaboration with other groups who share similar goals.
  • We believe in quality planning, delivery and evaluation of our services.
  • We believe in inclusiveness, and seek to promote a diversity that is reflective or our communities.
  • We commit to deliver free services through volunteer labor along with cost effective leveraging of donated materials, supplies and labor.
  • Together we transform the lives of low-income homeowners by improving the safety and health of their homes and revitalizing their communities.